INDUSTRYTruck U-bolt manufacturing
PROBLEMZinc phosphate wastewater, highly chelated alkaline cleaners, high temperatures, high TSS. System to be installed in basement with low ceilings and meet National Metal Finishing limits.
CONTAMINANTSZinc, FOG, TSS, pH, Temp up to 145°F
EPS SOLUTIONTurnkey design and construction of system using innovative media for single chemical treatment. Manufactured equipment for delivery through freight elevator and install. Included: metals removal, dual equalization tanks, chemical addition and mixing, IPC, sludge holding and dewatering, tertiary filtration, and a process warranty.
HCl pickling of coiled steel
Existing microfiltration / reverse osmosis system failing, extreme membrane replacement, performance affecting ability of pickle line to operate, no local sewers, must meet low limits and toxicity of discharge to Ohio river over 1 mile away NPDES discharge
Iron, FOG, TSS, Toxicity, pH, chlorides
Designed and manufactured complete replacement of existing 3 year old system with NPDES direct stream discharge system to Ohio River. Included: equalization / iron oxidation, hydroxide precipitation, IPC, tertiary filtration, process warranty.
Aluminum engine blocks and transmissions
Extremely low categorical limits based on pounds of aluminum melted (zinc 0.15 mg/l, O&G 3.5 mg/l). New plant expansion with four existing 100 GPM DAF system was very difficul to operate and meet limits.
Zinc, FOG, TSS, pH
Turnkey design and construction of system with primary screening, oil skimming, emulsion breaking, metals precipitation, IPC, sludge holding and dewatering, tertiary filtration, carbon adsorption, final 5 micron bag filtration, reuse holding system, and aprocess warranty.
Industrial laundry of uniforms, shop towels, gloves, mats
New facility with difficult waste to treat due to high temps, detergents, and extreme variability of waste stream
Mixed metals, Emulsified FOG, TSS, pH
Design and supply complete equipment package with process warranty including duplex mixed equalization tanks, chemical treatment for emulsion breaking and hydroxide precipitation, IPC, sludge holding and dewatering.
Heat treating steel
Oil buildup in hot alkaline cleaners affecting cleaning ability and heat treating
FOG, High temperatures
Manufacture high temperature OWS to remove oil from cleaner tank and return recycled cleaner back to tank, pump to coalescer, gravity return. Owner purchased multiple units for multiple facilities.
Manufacturing automotive brake parts
Existing system in periodic violation for zinc. Parkson Dynasand filter did not perform. Plating and zinc phosphatizing operations, heavily chelated cleaners
Zinc, Copper, Chrome, Nickel, TSS, FOG, pH
Design and manufacture PLC operated dual Triple Cell Filtration System with duplex FRP feed pumps. Converted existing Dynasand to filter feed tank. System also had backwash holding, post pH adjustment tank and controls.
Job shop electroplater
New facility had to meet categorical pretreatment limits for Electroplating Industry
Heavy metals, Cyanide, FOG
Turnkey design and construction of complete system including cyanide destruction, cleaner recycle, equalization, metal hydroxide precipitation, IPC, sludge holding and filter press dewatering, and control panel.
Sausage maker
Existing inclined plate DAF overloaded due to plant expansions, very difficult to remove skimmed float from unit
Designed and manufactured replacement rectangular 304L stainless steel Dissolved Air Flotation and recycle system for low pH.
Food grade icings and fillings
High sewer surcharge for BOD and pH violations from cleaners, high temperature
BOD, COD, TSS, FOG, pH, temperature
Manufactured up-flow hybrid anaerobic reactor system including reactor tank, equalization tank, sludge holding tank, pumps, methane gas flare, and PLC controls.
Bus maintenance garage
New facility for pretreatment to POTW fuel spills, oil changes, general maintenance of busses
Manufactured packaged system including holding tank, pumps, controls, Dissolved Air Flotation, sludge holding and oil fractionation tank.
Manufacturing aluminum casting machines
New plant expansion must meet local pretreatment limits
Zinc, Lead, TSS, FOG
Designed and manufactured packaged system including free oil removal, pumping, Dissolved Air Flotation, sludge holding and filter press dewatering.